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Unpublished Reports (Unedited)


  1. Problems and prospects of paddy cultivation in Kuttanad region -  A case study of cheennamkari village in Kuttanad taluk by P.M.Thomas
  2. The intensity of agrochemical use in crops of Kerala - A case study of Kattappana block in Idukki district and Alathur block in Palakkad district by S.Ushakumari
  3. Studies on the ecological aspects and the microbial activity of rice-fish rotational farming system in the wetlands of Kuttanad, Kerala by Susan Pankicker
  4. Urbanisation process and changes in land use pattern :  A case study in Maradu Panchayat of Kochi Urban conglomeration by V.T.Jose
  5. Assessment of hill top agriculture at Vatttavada panchayat of the high range - A case study by Mini Raj
  6. Selection and multiplication of potential traditional varieties of vegetables crops suitable for natural farming for large scale production and export with farmers participation by Sunny Philip
  7. Identification and analysis of endangered skills in the farming systems of Thrissur District by P.S.Geethakutty
  8. Evaluation of agricultural projects under people's campaign in Malappuram district by A.Prema
  9. Effects of pesticide use in agriculture: Awareness and alternatives by Jyothi Krisnan
  10. Integrated disease management in black pepper - A study on technology diffusion and impact by P.Rajeev


  1. Study on economic loss due to clinical mastitis in crossbred dairy cattle and effectiveness mastitis control measures by George Varghese
  2. Sustainability of broiler production units in Kerala - A study by  Radhakrishnan Nair


  1. A study on Kerala traditional fisheries management focussed on Vizhinjam by P.Balachandran
  2. Impact of Labour Circulation on Small Scale Fisheries Sector of Kerala by J.B.Rajan
  3. Aquaculture dropouts in Kerala : A critical evaluation of the issues of sustainability of aquaculture development in Kerala by N.K.Sasidharan Pillai


Credit & Finance

  1. Study on the possibilities of evolving a locally appropriate and integrated credit paln for banks in Akathethara grama panchayat, Palakkad district by N.K.Sasidharan Pillai
  2. Credit needs of women entrepreneurs in urban area -problems and perspective by Ramanunny
  3. Money lending business in Thrissur district versus laws, legal practices and legal structures by A.F.Sebastian

Culture, Media & Arts

  1. Promotion of traditional theatre arts : problems and possibilities by Jose George
  2. Alienation of land, culture and performance of the Kurumba tribes of Attappady by Ramachandran Mokery


  1. Evaluation and planning of the activities of a rural library in Kerala - Pase II by K.Vijayakumar
  2. Determinants and components of private costs in higher education (Excluding Professional Courses) by Padma Ramachandran
  3. Supporting systems and certain behavior problems of preschool children in Malappuram district by P.Usha
  4. An investigation into the problem of wastage in the engineering colleges in Kerala by C.J.Sivasankaran
  5. Analysis of content in school text books by C.Ramakrishnan


  1. A coordinated project  for participatory development of mini and micro hydel resources in the Western Ghats by Ressy George
  2. Field testing of an induction generator load controller for a micro hydel station using pump as turbine and induction motor as genergator by Geetha Varma
  3. The socio-economic and environmental impact of biogas programme with special reference to Karunapuram panchayat of Idukki district by P.K.Kurien
  4. Field testing of wood burning gasifier for energy generation in a Kerala village and evaluation of the performance of the gassifier when using cocunut palm products as fuel in actual running conditions by Hassan Shabahudheen
  5. Awareness, adoption and imapct of electrical energy appliances : a house-hold level study by K.Vijayakumar

Environment & Biodiversity

  1. A study on the declining trend of biodiversity and fish production in lower reaches of periyar river and its socio-economic impact by M.L.Joseph
  2. Economic and ecological aspects of different agricultural practices in wetlands - A case study of  Kulanada panchayat by K.N.Parameswara Kurup
  3. Database for "EIA - of and impervious subsurface check dam Across Bharathapuzha River At Thrangali  in Vanniamkulam Panchayat by Terry Machado
  4. Forest, river valley projects and dislocation : Changing forest resource availability for tribal and non-tribal women.  A pilot study in the Vithura panchayat of the Thiruvananthapuram district by S.Santhi
  5. Conservation and consumption - A study on the crude drug trade in rare, endemic, endangered and threatened plants in Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala by Parvati Menon
  6. Pollution hazards on the people and the eco-system of selected coir retting yards in the backwaters of Calicut districts by E.Nirmala
  7. A socio-cultural & ecological study of the mid-land laterite hilllocks along Kavvayi river basin by M.Jayarajan
  8. Landscape change and its environmental and human dimension : selected micro level case studies under different biophysical settings in Chalakudy basin, Kerala by Srikumar Chattopadhyay
  9. Zero waste products & employment opportunities - Integrating the SHGs by Sridhar
  10. Ecosystem management and income-generation of forest dwellers: A feasibility study on NWFP based micro enterprise for Peechi-Vazhani WLS in Thrissur by P.C.Anil
  11. Muriyad wet lands : Ecological changes and human consequences by K. John Thomas
  12. Study of turtle, traditional practices and rights of fishermen in Kerala coast and development of an education strategy for protecting the coastal biodiversity through a community based turtle conservation programme by C.Jayakumar
  13. From Environmental Education to a Community Based Ecologically Sustainable Development Plannning - A Continuation of the Environmental Education Work in Srikrishapuram, Karimpuzha Panchayats, Palakkad by S.Anitha
  14. Economic and  Social  Impact of  Biodiversity  Loss in Cochin  Backwaters by K.T.Thomson
  15. The western slope forests of the western ghats in Kerala: A study for eco-restoration planning by Satheesh Chandran Nair
  16. Participatory ecorestoration activities at microwatershed level in Mulamkunnathukavu panchayat- A retrospective analysis by R.Rukmani


  1. Ecodevelopment project and the socio-economics of the fringe area of the Periyar tiger reserve : A concurrent study by P.M.Rajan Gurukkal
  2. Constraints in sustainable development  :  A case study of inter-sectoral allocation of Bamboo resources in Kerala by C.Surendranath

Irrigation & Water Management

  1. Studies on surangams of North Kerala as a non-conventional water resource by Kamalakshan Kokkal
  2. Impact of urbanisation on streamflow and ground water recharge in the city of Calicut by V.Padmini
  3. An assessment of NWDPRA watershed programme implemented at Nellaya grama panchayat by R.Satheesh
  4. Supplementing water supply through water harvesting by utilising dead  quarries by Abdulla Pattar Kadavan
  5. Field level performance of micro irrigation systems in Kasargode District - A Critical Analysis by C.Thamban
  6. Rain water harvesting systems in Akathethata Panchayat, Palakkad District - Second and final phase by K.R.Suja

River System Studies

  1. Riparian vegetation along the Chalakkudy river by K.H.Amitha Bachan
  2. River, people & industry: documenting the politics and pollution of river Chaliyar by Abey George
  3. Assessment of the impact of man-made modification on the Chalakudy river system in-order to prepare an integrated Peopl's Plan for sustainable river management by Sunny George

Water Quality

  1. Peoples plan for drinking water supply for all at Muthalamada Panchayat of Palakkad District by Shailaja Nair
  2. Effects of Ground Water Table Fluctuation on Salt Water Intrusion Along the Coastal Belt of Malappuram District by Balachandran Pillai
  3. Environmental impact assessment with particular emphasis to the groundwater quality problems and its management in parts of the coastal areas of Kollam District, Kerala by V.Narayanan Nair

Health & Rehabilitation

  1. Human behavioural  practices related to urban mosquitogenic conditions by M.Umarul Farook
  2. Intervention programme for children with cerebral palsy and mental retardation - A multi disciplinary approach  Phase - I by Y.V.Geetha
  3. Community based detection and monitoring of  hypertension in Kumarakom panchayath by K.R.Thankappan
  4. A baseline study to assess the reproductive health status and needs of sex workers community by S.Anitha
  5. Assessing the quality of ante natal care in Thiruvananthapuram District by S.Srilatha
  6. Family suicide in Kerala - An explorative study into pattern, determinants and consequences by K.Praveen Lal
  7. Hemoglobin values of children in different types of schools by K.P.Aravindan
  8. Review of primary health care at Muthalamada panchayath by C.K.Brahmaputhran
  9. Why factors influencing patient compliance for curative treatment of cancer by Chitra Venkateswaran
  10. RTI control Programme by PAP smear screening among tribal women in Palakkad district by M.C.Kalavathy
  11. Participatory approach to augment voluntary blood donation programme in the community by Usha Kandaswamy

Problem of the Aged

  1. Scio-economic conditions, morbidity pattern and social support among the elderly women in a rural area by R.S.Sarasakumari
  2. Unreported needs of homebound old people by K.R.Rani


  1. Alternative technology options for EWS housing in Kerala by G.Gopikuttan
  2. Land market, housing and urban growth process : A study of urban fringe land in Thrissur District : Kerala by P.T.Thomas
  3. Rehabilitation schemes for ghetto residents: A case study of Thiruvananthapuram Corporation by Madhusoodhanan
  4. From artisanal to commodity production buildings :  A Study of production and labour Process  in the building industry of Kerala - Phase II by Harilal

Industry, Trade,Transport

  1. Study on the consumption habits in Thrissur district with a view to identify products suitable to micro enterprises by K.K.Krishnakumar
  2. A  study on bellmetal industry at Mannar of Alleppey District, Kerala by Jacob Thomas
  3. Wood carving artisans:  A study of beneficiaries of handicrafts development corporation vis-a-vis non beneficiaries by P.N.Sankaran
  4. Small firm clusters, collective efficiency and local level development in Kerala by M.K.Sukumaran Nair
  5. An analysis of various problems faced by micro enterprises in the urban area and a study on the role of institutions to promote micro enterprises by Ramanunny
  6. The problems and prospects of paper based industry in Kunnamkulam : A local level study by G.Rajeev
  7. A study of the clustering of paddy processing units in and around Kalady by B.Ramesh
  8. Socio-economic problems of the women bamboo mat weavers in Kalady Grama Panchayat by K.K.Sindhu

Local Institution

  1. An action research programme for improving the drinking water availability and sanitation in Akathethara Panchayat by K.R.Suja
  2. SELF-HELP Groups :  Case study of two districts - Trivandrum (Kerala) and Kanyakumari (Tamilnadu) by V.C.V.Retnam
  3. Anti-liquor movement in Pannimala - A Case Study by Reslayyan
  4. Deprivations experienced  by people in neighbourhood groups and other organisations of the poor and the empowerment systems for poverty by Jacob Thomas
  5. A study of ayalkoottoms in participatory planning and grass root level democracy in Kumarakom and scope of replication by P.G.Padmanabhan

Local Level Planning

  1. Study on financial and physical achievements through People's planning in Trivandrum city corporation by S.Chidambaram Iyer
  2. The village sustainable development project by Rajan Gurukkal
  3. Sustainability of community assets and institutions created under the people's planning programme in Kerala : selected case studies by N.D.Gopinathan Nair
  4. Sustainable livelihood and grass-root empowerment - A beneficiary assessment of peopl's planning Vis - a- Vis the scheduled castes in Thalassery Block Panchayat by S.Gregory
  5. Finance of the local government institutions - A study of the growth and compostition of the various sources of revenue and expenditure of local bodies in Ernakulam district by Rajan Varghese
  6. Village courts and human rights protection in little democracies by P.N.Sankaran
  7. Integrated development plan for Tirurangadi block by Terry Machado
  8. Participation of rural poor in rural development programmes and social welfare schemes: The case study of Udayanapuram Grama Panchayat in Kottayam district, Kerala by Jos Chathukulam
  9. Participatory rural marketting; activity of  K.H.D.P an analysis by Roy Mathew
  10. Infrastructural backwardness and uneven development at the local level in North Malabar : A study of factors and processes in Kasargod District by V.Mukunda Das
  11. Women development programmes under people's planning : An impact study to evolve a framework of facilitating factors by Padma Ramachandran
  12. Socio-economic changes in Kerala - An emperical analysis at micro level by R.P.Nair
  13. A search into the feasibility of  participatory approach, methods and tools in the decentralised planning process of the Panchayat Raj Institutions by M.J.Joseph
  14. Initiatives in resource mobilisation for local level development : A case study of residents associaitons in Thriuvananthapuram city by D Mano
  15. Socio-cultural processes and livelihood patterns at Tirurangadi - A micro-historical Study by K.N.Ganesh
  16. An Assessment of Productive Sector Projects Under People's Planning : Study in the grama panchayats of Vaikom block, Kottayam district by K.N.Jayan


  1. Solid waste management in Kottayam town by Varkey Mathew
  2. The economics of sabari pilgrimage with special reference to Erumely Panchayath by Baby M.D
  3. Study of the attitude and perception of the community towards solid waste management programme - A case study of Thiruvananthapuram City - Phase II by Babu Ambat

Marginal Communities

  1. The micro level impact of tribal development programmes among the Kadal tribe of Kerala by Sibi Zacharias
  2. Between development and marginalisation : A resurvey of Attappady village by K.R.Suresh
  3. A techno-socio-economic study on living and working conditions of the traditional pottery communities in Kerala by M.Lalithambika
  4. Training research and development of Kera Craft in Kerala with the participation of Keracraft workers by C.N.Madhusoodhanan
  5. Sickle cell disease among triabals of Attapady by M.Feroz

Poverty, Labour, Employment

  1. Impact of decline in tea industry on socio-economic conditions of workers : A study at peermade taluk of Idukki district by T.V.Ushadevi
  2. Urban employment : A study of Kochi city by B.A.Prakash
  3. Patterns of social change among the migrant  farmers of Kannur - A case study by M.Retna Raj
  4. Socio-economic profile of rubber tappers in the small holding sector in Kerala: A study of Kanjirappally village in Kottayam district by T.V.Usha Devi
  5. Economics of labour in the traditional handicraft industries of Kerala - A case study of Thrissur District by K.A.Stephanson
  6. INFARM : A study of emerging farmer's movement by M.P.Mujeeby Rehman
  7. Motivating factors of educated self employed in Kerala by Reji Raman
  8. Labour market in Kerala and out-migration of unskilled and semi skilled workers : The case of fish processing by K.K.Easwaran Namboodiri
  9. Participatory assessment of livelihood capital asset base and development of participatory approaches for sustainable livelihood strategies in the rural Kerala context by M.J.Joseph
  10. Managing changes in cochin port by Ernesto Noronha

Quality of Life

  1. People's participation in local level development and improvement of their Quality of Life by A.K.Jayasree

Women Studies

  1. Psycho-social problems of women who had undergone hysterectomy by Helena Judith
  2. Problems and prospects of women in emigrants households in Kottayam Mucipal Area by Reeba Varkey
  3. Study of domestic violence against women in Muslim community of Kuttichira Area of Kozhikkode city by K.Ajitha
  4. An analysis of income expenditure pattern of working women in the context of emerging consumer culture by Mini Sukumar
  5. Socio-economic status of domestic women servants: A case study of Thrissur corporation by M.Vimala
  6. Atrocities against women and understanding gender justice by P.V.Sobha
  7. Gender in co-operatives by R.Jayalakshmi
  8. When husbands accept voluntary retirement : The impact on women by Dr. Premilla D'Cruz
  9. A study on the performance of women industrial cooperatives in Kannur District by C.Padmini
  10. Dynamics of people's participation in development : A study with special reference to women's participation in the Local Level Planning of Kerala by K.Muraleedharan
  11. Local history of women's participation in the freedom movement and socio-political movement in Kerala: analysis and doccumentation by T.K.Anandi
  12. A strategy for women empowerment - A Kunnackal Model by Renjini George
  13. Determinants and consequences of women's work in the unorganised sector :  Study of sales women in the textile sector in Trivandrum by P.E.Usha
  14. A micro analysis of problems of displacement of women agricultural labourers with special reference to the pokkali fields of Vypinkara by P.A.Shyna
  15. Rediscovering gender and sexuality in the urban family of Kerala:  Developing an insider's perspective by Saji P Jacob
  16. Christian women and property rights in Kerala - Gender equality in practice by Sindhu Thulaseedharan